Less Mowing,
More Growing!

Food Gardens & Productive Landscaping in Knoxville, TN

“The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.”

– Wendell Berry

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Edible Abundance Foodscapes is your trusted ecological landscaping partner in the Knoxville area. Our expert team specializes in crafting beautiful and productive outdoor spaces & gardens that nurture your spirit and fill your belly.

Love your land and let your land love you back!

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> Site Evaluation & Consultation

> Kitchen Gardens

> Edible/Medicinal Landscaping

> Rainwater Catchment & Management

> Living Willow Structures

> Foodscape/Garden Maintenance

> Urban/Microfarm Design

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If you’re ready to book a consultation, or just want to reach out with a question, I’d love to hear about your foodscape dreams and how I can help bring them to fruition! (pun intended)